Questions To Ask Before Hiring Back Office Support For Your Recruitment Agency

16 May 2023

For recruitment businesses to be successful and competitive, they need comprehensive and effective back-office support.

Administration, accounts, timesheet management, and payroll are just some of the many core tasks of the back-office team, but these duties can consume time, money, and resources at a time of immense competition in the recruitment industry.

How Outsourcing Is A Cost-Effective Solution

Back-office outsourcing solutions are a cost-effective alternative to managing business administration in-house. An experienced and trusted partner can free your team to focus on tasks that will directly generate more revenue, such as striking deals with new clients, finding lucrative placements, and sourcing talent for assignments.

However, outsourced recruitment back-office services should be part of a structured approach to your business’s needs, developed in partnership with your chosen back-office outsourcing partner, who will be able to advise you which services to retain in-house and which to outsource to an expert. This strategic approach enables you and your consultants to focus your time and resources on your core strengths, optimising sales and enhancing the overall value of your business.

So, what are the most important questions to ask when hiring back office support for your recruitment agency?

What Back-Office Tasks Do I Want To Outsource?

Many back-office tasks can be outsourced, so it can be tricky to identify the ones that will offer the best value and cost savings for your recruitment agency. The time taken for in-house staff to complete each task and the value added to your business’s operations are important factors to consider but these can be difficult to quantify, especially if your skills lie in sales and recruitment! For most SME recruitment agencies, it simply isn’t worth it in terms of ROI to invest in these back office skills and resources in-house – to do so would simply burden the business with greater administrative overheads and increase the cost of service delivery.

Outsourcing these functions to a knowledgeable support partner is simply better value for money. Therefore, asking an expert from Workwell Outsourcing to evaluate the benefits of outsourcing is a failsafe solution. You’ll be able to concentrate on what you do best without worrying about the red tape aspects of the business, while the Workwell Outsourcing experts, who have an exceptional reputation in the recruitment market, will take care of the back office elements on your behalf.


How Much Can I Invest?

Outsourced back-office services are a flexible solution that can be tailored to the needs and priorities of your business, yielding targeted savings in the areas that are most valuable for your agency. However, it can be difficult to quantify how much you need to spend on outsourcing when you aren’t sure which outsourced services will leverage the best value for your recruitment business.

At Workwell Outsourcing, our expert team can help you to understand how much you need to invest by analysing your business’s structure and operations and devising a cost-effective outsourcing plan. This will enable you to achieve optimum value and is a far cheaper option than hiring staff to complete the back office tasks in-house.

What Is The Provider’s Credibility And Reputation?

Outsourcing to a business that has knowledge and experience of the recruitment sector is vital to secure the best value for money and the highest quality of service.

The way that cashflow works in recruitment is different from many other service industries, so choosing a provider who understands the intricacies of the sector will result in better outcomes for your business. References, reviews, and testimonials from other agencies will be invaluable in giving you an insight into the quality of outsourced back-office services offered by your chosen provider.


Do I Need More Than One Solution?

Some agencies use multiple service providers to fulfil their back-office functions – an accountant, a virtual receptionist, an invoice finance broker, an admin support business, and so on. Yes this can save time on the functions themselves compared to in-house, but the more outsourcers you have to work with, the more time is required by you to manage these multiple business relationships. And the costs of working with multiple providers can quickly mount up, too.

It’s usually more straightforward – and cheaper – to streamline your outsourcing and go with a provider that offers as many of the required services under one roof as possible.

This doesn’t mean you have to overspend on services you don’t actually need, just because the provider offers them. At Workwell Outsourcing, we offer a mix-and-match support service and can help our customers to select the components that are most relevant to their business’s needs and priorities.

Every recruitment business is different, with their own unique needs and priorities; therefore, to obtain best value and a quick return on investment (ROI), it is vital to outsource the right back-office services. However, it can be understandably confusing when making this decision, so our expert team can devise a solution that works best for you and your business, so you can be freed up to focus on what you do best – securing sales.

Contact Us To Find Out More

To find out more about our reliable and cost-effective outsourced back office services, please get in touch.

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